Accessible and full of sensible evidence-based information to support feeding young children well. Making Mealtimes Better is an on-line workshop series of 3 x 1 hour sessions for parents and carers of pre-school children. Written with highly selective eaters in mind, Making Mealtimes Better provides a guided space alongside others to share your experience, explore new tools and develop and create your own nutrition-focussed plan for your child and family.
Delivered by Carine Henry RD, paediatric specialist dietitian, with 30 years of practical working with children and families, in areas of feeding difficulties, feeding skills development, addressing growth faltering, food allergies and tummy troubles.
Carine uses themes of Structure, Nurture and Boundaries to help guide topics including:
Making Mealtimes Better offers support for families of young children with heightened sensitivity to foods and feeding, and where nutritional wellbeing and growth may be compromised, such as those experiencing :