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Weight management for the whole family

Dieting or not sharing foods with other family members, can feel difficult and upsetting at a deep and unconscious level. Food and feeding are very much part of family relationships, and behaviours are often mirrored unconsciously from early life. Cross generational history can be in important determinant of food behaviours, eg. if there have been episodes of starvation or food scarcity, this has been shown to increase obesity in subsequent generations.

When children become obese, taking a whole family approach demonstrates collective effort, provides support and encouragement, and can creative a healthy way to model regulation and balance, as well as good health.

Understanding Childhood Obesity

Excessive weight gain in childhood adversely affects long-term health, with obese children and teenagers five times more likely to be obese as adults. The most common health consequences of obesity in adult life are type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers and osteo-arthritis.

Children with excessive weight gain, or within the obese weight range for height, will benefit from a child-centred approach, which allows them learn about eating well, understand how their bodies respond to food, and how hormones, emotions and physical activity are involved.

Addressing Food-related Changes In The Family

Nutritional Assessment

Carine offers nutritional assessment of the family diet and helps families who want to make food changes, but don’t know where to start.

Food related behaviours within the family

Takes a close look at the role food plays within the family and the existing patterns of food-related behaviours, eg. how food is eaten in the family, language around food, family history

Family orientated food goals

Carine will help you focus on family-orientated food and nutrition goals, support meal planning, and address misconceptions around food, eating and nutrition

Regular consultations

Monthly meetings to explore progress and what’s going well, check-in on family goals, troubleshoot, consider addressing barriers to change

Get in Touch with
Paediatric Nutrition

For any general enquiries, please fill in the form with the necessary information. Any information about booking treatments or assessments can be found below.

Contact Us

Online Workshops for
Happier, Healthier Mealtimes!

Carine offers accessible online workshops on a variety of topics, designed to provide a space alongside others to listen, learn, share, practice and develop tools and strategies for nutritional health.

From Kitchen to Clinic – My Latest Blogs


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