The Importance of
Nutritional Assessment
Nutritional assessment serves as an entry point for all dietary treatment and is a key feature of every initial appointment. It is the first step in identifying presenting problems and links to difficulties with food, feeding/eating and nutrition.
What happens during a Nutritional Assessment?
The nutritional assessment is a guided discussion about what, when, how and the quantity of food and drink consumed; providing a good estimate of energy, protein, fluid, variety and nutrient intake of the diet as a whole. Key nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins and trace elements are assessed, alongside the balance of food groups from animals and plants as well as the habitual intakes of essential fats, sugars and fibres.
Diet-related conditions, behaviours and age-related growth needs are taken into account for each child. Height, weight and head circumference (under age 2) can be measured and BMI calculated or centile growth chart compared. I like to understand the early feeding history for infants and young children, and the lived experience of older children and young people.
Bowel habits and the quality of the gut microbiota are assessed as an essential part of understanding digestive wellness, nutrient absorption and elimination. The gut microbiota is now understood to be a key feature the whole body wellness and is highly responsive to dietary intake.
Nutritional Assessment Options
Nutritional assessment provides benefits such as…
Nutritional Health Overview
Nutritional assessment covers diet, growth, digestion, elimination, physical activity, energy balance, key nutrients and provides a holistic overview of a child’s nutritional wellbeing.
Personalised Support
Tailored guidance and selected resources are provided based on the nutritional assessment and for diet-related conditions, ensuring individualised advice and follow up review.
Pathway to Health & Wellbeing
The nutritional assessment serves as an entry point for evidence-based dietary treatment to address diet-related behaviour change and promote long-term health and wellbeing.
Your Telephone Review
All first appointments focus on detailed nutritional assessment specific to the age and presenting problem of each child. This appointment includes a 15 minute telephone review your next steps. Carine will book this with you at your appointment, it is not intended as a separate or new consultation.
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